Category: Journalism

Reading Material and Updates

Been slammed the last couple weeks working on personal projects, moving clients around from server to server (had one die last weekend), and doing the whole “attend every one of your kids function that you can” dad thing, and I’ve collected quite a few links here. On the bright side, I’m typing this all up on my new Sager 8150, still trying to get everything copied and setup from my other system, but boy is this thing fast.

Selection Sunday is today. Have you signed up for the NCAA Pick ’em? Why not?

OK, loads of links this time…

9/11: The Photographers’ Stories

Well worth the read: A four-part expanded oral history of September 11, 2001, told by the photographers who documented it .

Building A Newsroom Time Machine

This sounds fun for an ol’ newsgeek like me. The FAU’s inagural All On Paper Project forces college journalists (and some seasoned pros) to get their hands dirty and produce a newspaper the old fashion way. Here’s how it went.

Reading and Watching Material

Some videos and some interesting reads for you all (videos after the jump as to not clog up the front page):

Read on for the videos…


I Suck

I’ve been so busy at both work and the minute I leave the office lately that I rarely want to turn on my computer when I get home. I’d rather just plop myself on the couch after going all frickin’ day and watch some TV. Even though we canceled our cable last month (we’re poor), there’s still plenty to watch with Netflix, Hulu, and the network channels (and a Windows 7 HTPC to allow us to do it all easily).

Just the same, this blog hasn’t gotten nearly the personal attention it deserves. I suck. I certainly wouldn’t deserve a Best Of Central Oregon nomination (but wouldn’t argue with you if you were to submit this site for a nomination). While uber-blogger Jon will probably get the nod (deservedly), it’d just be nice to knock that egotistical jerk off his high horse.

(Note: Before the hate mail comes in, Jon and I go way back, and anybody who knows Jon or I know that neither of us have egos, especially Jon. I just like to poke fun at him, as he would do to me.)

Anyway, back to the link dump for the evening:

More tomorrow, as I have a bunch of videos to share…

Reading Material

Reading Material

OK, that’s enough for now.

Reading Material

Post Vacation Reading Material

Since getting back, I’ve been trying to catch up on all the email and news that has been sent my way (you’re always welcome to send more using the contact form on this site or e-mail utterlyboring at gmail dot com). Here are some of the headlines I found waiting for me when I got back (some newer, some older):

Reading Material