Welcome Source Readers

Apparently The Source, who interviewed me a couple weeks ago for their latest issue (on the stands today), thinks of me as the “godfather of local blogs.” I certainly don’t think I’d go that far, especially considering there are a few bloggers around here (Jon and Shannon come to mind) that I’m pretty sure have been doing this longer than I have, even if my site does get more traffic. But I do like to watch over my local blogging buddies, so I guess you could call me that. Out of all the things I’ve been called, it could’ve been a lot worse I guess.

Just the same, welcome to anybody who’s here because of that little blip. I can’t find the story on the Source’s web site, otherwise I’d link to it. But the quote the writer got from a local blog (which I can’t find on Bend Blogs right now as I don’t feel like digging for it, but I have no doubt that he got it from there) is worth picking up a copy just to read as it’s pretty funny.


Just don’t be leaving any horse heads in my bed. Ya got it?

Jake says:

“What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you’d come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And if by chance an honest man like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you.”
–The Godfather 😉

Damn Dave- you beat me to that comment.

Jon says:

Hey, you are the godfather of blogs, just go with it. 🙂 Seriously, I think you’ve been doing this longer locally than most of us… and you’re certainly the best-known. Very cool.

Mrs. H says:

I saw it yesterday and laughed!
You have been doing it longer locally but I have been blogging since 2001 but mostly in Omaha, NE and I shut that blog down when I moved.
I hope that doesn’t make me the godmother of blogs!

Jake says:

Mrs. H: I don’t think Mr. H would like that too much 😉
Just the same, I originally started my blog at http://jake.orty.com before morphing it into this domain. I also killed my old MovableType install at one during the move, so I’m missing several months worth of archives here, but you can many of them via the Web archive.