Needed to get these off my desk here. Read on to watch…
Fairly Impressive Use of a Sink:
For the Photogs out there: Canon vs. Nikon:
Skipping is Awesome:
Dancing Cows:
Homemade Vortex Cannon:
If Facebook was invented in the 90s;
Painting a Room, Death Metal Style:
Republican Rap Battle:
Amazing Video from a Space Shuttle Launch;
What Happens when two studly middle-distance runners have too much time on their hands in the snow? This:
Tow Truck Driver Bails Just In Time:
What if earth had a ring system like Saturn?
NSFW Obviously: An interesting interpretation of Beethoven’s Fifth (removed embed code so I didn’t have a naked bum on my site — click on the link to watch it on YouTube).
A Harmonica in Carnegie Hall: