Think About The Kittens

When you’re voting on Tuesday, remember to think about the kittens:

Sent to me by a friend of mine, though it looks like a Fark photoshop content entry. If somebody knows the original thread, let me know so I can link to it and give the author credit.


Brad says:

About two years ago that pic was going around with the caption “Everytime you masturbate, God kills a kitten”

Jake says:

Exactly, that’s why I figured the recreation was a Fark-remake (as I think that masturbation thing was something that was started there).

TheDren says:

It is from the XXX Church, saw them on “Unscrewed With Martin Sargent” one night/day. (Thanks Tivo)

John says:

Maybe God’s doing us a favor. Remember, if that kitten were big enough to eat you, he would.

TheDren says:

We have a cat and two dogs, and sometimes, when they think I don’t seem them looking, I can see them thinking…. “Hmmm… just as soon as he is dead, we’re going to eat his eyeballs…”