Note to self: Don’t get drunk and try to walk a two-foot wide catwalk

I’m sorry, but it’s hard for me to have sympathy when some jock college kid drinks too much, climbs up high in a church, and falls to his death. His blood level was .16, for cripes sake (the legal limit is Pennsylvania is .10 — higher than Oregon’s .07), and he was only 19! And even worse, the pastor at the church is rumored to have furnished the alcohol (<comment that’s going to send me straight to hell>”God says it’s OK, son, don’t worry.”</comment>). What is the world coming to!?!?


beerick says:

gotta disagree with you here…the alcohol percentage concept is insane and meaningless beyond weak trends and draconian laws based on paranoia. The reason and guilt by which they were intended are far past in our handling of alcohol…though not so much as in the case of most other drugs (tobacco, pot, the hard ones, money). .16 is what, 2-4 beers depending on mass? The real issue is our puritanical approach to self-medication. Education, experience, guidance. Three factors that would help to avoid a ton of these situations.

Lauren says:

im aginst u beerick