Woman Broils Apple PowerBook

I actually got this link before SlashDot posted it, but just now got around to posting it. This is one funniest things I’ve seen in a long time. This lady cooked her powerbook. Why? Nobody knows. She stuck it in the oven for 20 minutes. Amazingly, other than the screen and keyboard being absolutely destroyed, the innards still work fine, and the tech support guy that was given the laptop by the lady that baked it is now happily running OS 10.2 on it with an external monitor plugged in. I think the best part about it is when the lady brought the thing in, she said “Sir, I’ve got a baked Apple.” Priceless.


LuLu says:

geeeez…. she needs some major help!! may i suggest a nice quiet hotel that includes food & showers for a lifetime?
other know as the LOONEY BIN? but that is very hystrical
very great post